Here is my latest item I have done just in time for the holidays and also that I'll be teaching a class on tomorrow at Paper Cottage. Yes, I should be out in the workshop cutting those little birds out but I thought I'd get caught up blogging for a bit!
I love these Believe letters! I love the paper from Making Memories which has been selling out very quickly! It has the cutest Christmas tree shapes and colors! Plus the thing that got me were the black with white polka dots! I'm a polka dot person anyway, but I thought it was such a fun addition to your typical "Christmas" colored themed paper! I had fun with these!
Our little bazaar that we started last year was a complete success this year! Even after 3 all nighters in one week I was able to finish it out with a smile! It was so neat to have repeat customers/visitors come and tell us how much they loved our little bazaar and that it was one of their favorites to go to! Hooray! Who cares if anything sold, they liked us! Yes, I sound like Sally Field! They liked me, they really liked me....
I had so much fun I somehow convinced my sweet sister to come craft with me and now we are going to do 2 more boutiques. The one coming up is the
Holiday House Boutique that will be happening next Friday and Saturday over off of Chinden and Locust Grove in the Saguaro Canyon Neighborhood. These gals run a class act boutique with everything homemade! It should be a blast! I'll post a flier pronto!
Here's a quick glimpse (pictures shot by unenthusiastic hubby):
I'll try to get some better pictures of all the cute ornaments we did and plus as soon as we get the others done I'll post them too!
Okay I totally forgot to put up the cute spider we did for our seasonal hanger! It was so fun to do and my little girl had a blast with the puzzle of teeth! Isn't he cute!

One of my favorite gals Diane Rusnick sent me a picture of her completed BOO letters she did! Aren't they to die for!!!!
Here are a couple of projects I did in the last couple of months
Just in time for Janna and her soon to arrive baby Carter!

This stork really made me use my brain cells, yes I almost spelled it sells.....
This guy was over 4 feet tall and I had to figure out how to hook him up to some rebar so he could stick in the ground. The little baby bundle was hanging off of a hook and was interchangeable. My friend Julie had seen these in yards back in Arizona and wanted something like it. I chose to go the more realistic route instead of comical and it was a blast to make!
I've got to get our December Seasonal Hanger cut out today and done and I think it'll be a beauty. Will post as soon as it's done!
You've got to go check out some fun sites!
One is by my sister and I, I am her crazy craft co-conspiritor!
It's called Crafty Sisters!
Next is my sister-in-law's My Design Dump!
Have fun!