Welcome to my little blog, and yes it's under major construction! After several requests and a whole lot of urging from my sister Candace....here is a blog to track my latest and greatest projects I've got going on and hopefully I can share the cool stuff my great friends and clients have put together too!
I am so blessed to be able to do something that I love and that I get to meet so many cool people and see all the cools things they are making. It's great! My sister and I have always had a ton of fun crafting together and when we couldn't find something we wanted in a store we were crazy enough to think we could figure a way to make it ourselves. I moved here to Boise a little over 2 years ago and we have had a blast together creating stuff! We are two fearless girls who's hubby's put up with us and our crafts (or crap as they call it).;) My sister Candace has not only been my muse, she is my biggest cheerleader and believes in me, she is the best! Thanks Candy!
I can pretty much cut out most anything. I specialize in letters for names and so forth. You see a font you like and we'll run with it! A great website I love is http://www.dafont.com/ ! Not only does it have lots of cool fonts but it also has a great preview window to let you see what your project will look like when it's done! I can do just about any size of letter that you want and I cut primarily out of a 3/4" thick MDF board which paints, sands and cuts out like butter! So if you have a project you want to do just give me a holler!:)
Here are a few of the projects I've worked on lately. Everything I do is pretty much made/cut to order. Primarily everything comes in a unfinished form/plain wood. If you need some help putting a kit together with papers I can help with that too!
Here's my latest project and class I'll be teaching!
Here's my latest project and class I'll be teaching!
They are cute Baby letters and animals perfect for that baby shower gift!
These were my Spring letters!

My most requested Family Letters
My first class I taught at Paper Cottage!
These were a total blast!
There's no place like home!
I still can put kits together of these!
Here is a project my sister Candy put together for her craft group.
I helped her by cutting it out and will offer it as a kit at the store
later this summer. Makes a great wedding gift especially with
and "established" date put on it.
My cute Easter bunnies!
Spring Chicks
My ongoing montly class I do is a Seasonal Hanger
that has interchangable decorations for each month/holiday.
It's a lot of fun and I've really enjoyed the great group of ladies
that come out each month!
They are about 12x12" in size.
This is for the month of May/Mother's Day
April's Easter Egg
March's Shamrock

February's Valentine Heart
January's Snowflake
to take pictures of. I promise to get better! Plus, if you have
a great project you've done send it in! I'd love to post it and see
everyone's great creativity!
These two are done in the Angelina font.
This was a cute Mom and Daughter job done in
the Moon Star font.
Here's a fun one a gal did for her sister who designs
western stuff. The font is Nashville.
It's done in the Toonish Font.
It was 2 feet high and in the Benguiat font.
up bigger, but this one I did for a gal named Robbie!
Her kitchen is decorated with cows and she
did a great job with these!
Here is one of my first orders I did for someone else!
Her name was Nicole too and she was doing this for her
Her name was Nicole too and she was doing this for her
friend's nursery. She did such a great job and was so kind
to show me pictures of it all done! Great job!
So there it is...the beginning! I love hearing and seeing great projects! So if you have any you need help with, I always tell everyone, just give me a holler!:)